Before Baylor
For 7 years, I worked as a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. During that time, I was sent by InterVarsity overseas twice – to work with Studentski evandjeoski pokret in Croatia and Evandjeosko udruzenje studenata – FBiH in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. While in Sarajevo, I taught English, ran a small library, helped direct conferences, supported the national staff with things like strategic planning and fundraising and drank a lot of coffee with students.
I love music of all kinds, going to concerts, playing the guitar, reading good fiction and history, watching sci-fi television, being crafty, learning languages, web-design, photography and travel. I also love anything to do with Bosnia and the former Yugoslavia.
I am married to Kelly, who works in technical/vocational higher education, and am mom to two young boys and stepmom to two older boys.